Site icon World Wisdom Network


shutterstock_113409691In the realm of possibilities, you will find here a variety of ways to engage with world wisdom. This is a network of information supporting you in remembering your wisdom and implementing it in your life. Read the blog. Meet with Karina Burchard for a one-on-one session. And feel free to contribute your treasured experiences. In sharing, we expand collectively. Living from our hearts, we change the world. Expansion leads to extension and evolution. Let us enjoy this journey, together.

Ancient and Modern Wisdoms

This site will provide you with curated collection of ancient and modern wisdoms and tips and tricks on how to access your wisdom and apply it in your everyday life. In my quest, I have had the honor of meeting many people with great insights. And, I have experienced, myself, insights that are present in each one of us, bubbling up from the deep insides into consciousness.

Visionary Work

To expand your comprehension, book an appointment with Karina Burchard for individual visionary sessions. Call for an appointment 480-220-0243.

Therapeutic Body Work for Individuals

Karina Burchard is a licensed massage therapist, specializing in supporting your body to be in balance. She will address specific areas of tension, imbalance and stiffness in your body through therapeutic touch. This therapy provides mental and physical stress relief. It also aids in accelerated recovery from muscular-skeletal injuries. Depending on the individual case different applied modalities will be used. Call for an appointment 480-220-0243.

Body Work for Horses

As a Certified Equine Massage Therapist, Karina Burchard will use therapeutic touch to improve balance, performance and attitude of your horse. This therapy will recondition your horse for responsiveness and optimal movement. You will enjoy a more balanced horse that will recover faster from possible muscular-skeletal injuries. Call for an appointment 480-220-0243.

Body Work for Pets

Karina Burchard will assess your pet to identify structural and/or muscular imbalances. She will use therapeutic touch to accelerate recovery from injuries and/or surgeries, and improve balance, movement, attitude and wellbeing for your pet. This therapy will support overall mental and physical health of your pet so that you can enjoy companionship for a long time. Call for an appointment 480-220-0243.

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